St. Louis Convent – Rapur


St. Louis Convent at Rappur is focused on Education, Evangelization, and Caring for the individuals suffering from leprosy.

The population consists of Christians, Hindus, Tribals, and Muslims, who form the majority. The focus is also on empowering Dalits, the poor, and the downtrodden, who primarily rely on farming.

Background of Rapur Convent: Bishop Most Rev. Dr. P. C. Balaswamy invited the sisters to Rappur in the Diocese of Nellore to serve the downtrodden and those in need, particularly those with leprosy.

Superior General at Establishment: Mother Barbara Mary

Ministries: Evangelization, Care for the Leprosy Patients, and Educational Ministry

Institution: Nazareth Rehabilitees centre

The community was inaugurated on 30 April, 1978, by Bishop Balaswamy. The first community members included Sr. Francisca Mary (the Superior), Sr. Clothin Mary, Sr. Rajesh Mary, and Sr. Jesintha Mary. The sisters initiated Educational and Hostel Services, Tailoring Institutions and Education for the Adults. The charism of the community involves bringing people to Sunday Mass and conducting catechetical work.

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