Holy Family Convent – Motakondur


The Holy Family Convent at Motakondur, was founded in 1980 with the assistance of Rev. Fr. Anthony Swamy SVD and Most Rev. Dr. Mathew Charain Kural, the Bishop. Rev Mother Barbara Mary inaugurated the rented house, and the initial community members included Rev Sr. Alex Mary, Sr. Flora, Sr. Jesintha, Sr. Rajam, and Sr. Irudiya Mary, and Sr. Alex Mary as the Superior.

The sisters engaged themselves in various ministries, such as teaching songs, giving Catechism Classes to Children, and Preparing People for Holy Communion and Matrimony. A Dispensary was started in 1981, and the Social Work, MCH Programme (Maternal and Child Health), were undertaken in 1983. The service of the Sisters included running St. Arnold’s School. The purpose of the institution encompassed Evangelization, Social Work, Education, and running the Dispensary.

Presently, the institution’s focus includes Social Work with Self-help Groups for Women, providing support to Orphaned Children, and Distributing essential items to the Elderly.

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