
Name of the Community

It was started in the year of 1980 with help svd father Rev father Anthony Swamy and also with the help of Bishop of Most Rev Mathew Charain kural. It was during time of was innagrated  by Rev mother Barbara Mary. It was a rented house. In the beginning in the year of 8th of December 1980.  The first community members we’re Rev. Sr Alex Mary, sr Flora sr. Jesintha sr Rajam and sr. Irudiya  mary. Rev sr Alex Mary was the superior of the convention. Then in the beginning of the year  sisters were sent to St. Anna’s sisters in order to learn language with help of Rev fr Anthony sawamy.

In this mottakontur parish there were 17 substance. Our sisters went by walk and by the  Bulcort and they prepared for the people for holy Communion Mass arrangements. Teaching songs. Catcsam for children and prepared for the matrimony. Sisters stayed with people and worked day and night


The dispensary was started in the year of 17.6.1981.Rev sr Agens was appointed in charge of  the  dispensary. It was started with help of svd father Rev. Fr Modhany. It was by Bishop of Nalagonda Rev most Bishop of the Mathew Charain kural. 

In the year 10.12.1983 sisters entered in the  new house. It was innagrated by Rev. Mother

Nambikai mary the superior General and Asst. General Rev mother Baptista. 

Social Work McH

MCH it was started in the year of and sr Irudiya mary in charge of  MCH  and as well as CRS program. St Arnold’s school was started in the year of  was in charge of the school. Purpose of the Institution

  • Evangalisation
  • Socialwork
  • Education
  • Dispensary

At present present purpose of  institutions

Social work:

  • self help group for women
  • we provided books, dress, toilet
  • Needs, fees for orphan girls and boys through mass society. 
  • We provided doll, soaps, oil f raice, the old age people. 
  • We provided raice doll,  oil, students, and parents for Covd19 
  • We provided BP machine, temperatures gan oscillating medicine   Asa workers . 

Evangelical work:

Mass preparation, house visit,  Conducted house prayer on every Thursday , alter decorated, once week we went to Substation mass with Parish priest. Every Sunday sister distributed holy Communion for sick people in the village. 

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