St. Aloysius Convent – Vettavalam


The report provides details about St. Aloysius Convent in Vettavalam, which was established in 1918 by three sisters: Sr. Iruthaya Mary, Sr. S. Therasammal, and Sr. Emiliyammal, with the purpose of education, evangelization, and helping those in need. Over the years, the community expanded its educational and social work, and by 1970, it had grown significantly with 10 sisters and around 450 students.

Throughout its history, the community engaged in various events and activities, including celebrating the Parish Feast, St. Joseph Feast, St. Aloysius Feast, and St. Francis of Assisi Feast. They also conducted regular house visits, recollections, and confession sessions. The community played an active role in education and evangelization.

In recent times, the community underwent renovations in June 2016 and July 2021, where rooms, windows, doors, parlor, and two rooms were painted and cleaned. However, the report also mentions the unfortunate passing of Sr. Gnana Selvi due to Covid-19 in May 2021.

The present ministry of the community includes education, evangelization, and social action, and they continue to fulfill their initial purpose of educating children, taking care of the abandoned, and teaching catechism. The report also mentions some of the significant events and contributions made by the community members over the years. The current Superior General is not mentioned in the report.

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