

The report provides information about Gonzaga Blossom Formation House in Vizhuthamangalam, established in 1996 by the Sisters of St. Aloysius Gonzaga from Puducherry. The community’s primary purpose was to train sisters and engage in evangelization ministry. The formation house was located in a mango garden, and over time, some parts of the land were used for cultivation.

The community had a series of superiors and assistant superiors over the years, each contributing to the development of the convent and its ministries. The formation house played a crucial role in training postulants.

Development work in the convent included various improvements such as installing a bore well, constructing a separate kitchen, fencing the well, and planting cashew trees on barren land.

The report also highlights the various events celebrated in the community, such as postulant’s day, congregation feast day, parish feast day, sisters’ feasts, and birthdays, which were joyfully celebrated every year.

The Superior General at the time of establishment was Rev. Mother L.C. Maria, and the community was established in 1996. The purpose of establishing the community was to form and train sisters. The present ministry of the community focuses on evangelization.

In 2014, the convent underwent renovation to improve its facilities. Throughout the years, the community has made steady progress in fulfilling its mission and training sisters for evangelization work.

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