Name if the Community : St. Louis Convent, Wien
Established on: 01.10.1993
Purpose of Community: To provide care to people and to give healthcare to sick people.
Superior General: Mother Nambikai Mary
First Community Members: Sr. Pauline and Sr. Arockia Mary
We, the sisters, faced many struggles in this place, but we worked hard and provided healthcare to the people. When we came to Wien, many congregations and individuals offered their support, including the Brothers of Divine Mercy, the Congregation of SSPS, the Congregation of FIHM, and Rev. Fr. Evan SJ. They assisted our sisters in various ways.
Community Activities:
Providing care to sick people, working in the old age home, and administering the Blessed Sacrament to the sick and elderly.
Community Achievements:
Learning the language, studying in the school, working with the elderly, and providing healthcare to the sick.